I begged Steve to let me post this chat. He said no one else would think it was funny, but I disagree. You be the judge. Also, if you have stories like this (about, I don't know, a husband or someone...), share the wealth!
So without further ado, I give you
Steve (makes a mean omelet but is not quite Emeril)
vs. the Kitchen.
(Also, I promised to post 10 sweet things about Steve to make up for teasing him just a little. Coming soon.)
2:49 PM Steve: miss you
ps - i can make rice just like spaghetti, right?
2:50 PM me: huh?
Steve: boil the water, leave it in until it sticks on the wall
or do i have to use the rice cooker?
2:52 PM me: you don't have to use the rice cooker
but don't throw rice at the wall
and you use way less water
if you cook 1 cup of rice, use 2 cups of water
bring it to a boil, then put the temperature on low and leave it alone for 1/2 hour
2:53 PM Steve: ok, thanks love
that long?
3:02 PM me: yeah
3:03 PM Steve: ok little one
all the water disappeared so i put a bunch more in
i didn't want the top ones to be crispy
3:05 PM me: that's why you turn it on low
it just steams for a while
3:06 PM some people turn the stove off after it boils. that works too.
3:07 PM Steve: ok :) should i drain it?
should i have put a lid on it?
3:08 PM me: ... yes... sorry - I guess I should have specified.
lid = necessary
draining = no. the water should all be absorbed into the rice
3:09 PM Steve: and if i have too much water and haven't used a lid?
like making spaghetti?
3:10 PM me: yeah, then I guess you'd want to drain it
let me know how it turns out
Steve: sure love
its been going half hour so far
3:22 PM Steve: soggy...
3:23 PM me: yeah...I thought probably.
Steve: o well, it's ok
me: I'm sorry love. Maybe you should stick to the rice cooker next time
can I blog this chat?