Sunday, December 21, 2008


So I have a tendency to use the phrase, "I know, right?" on a semi-regular basis. One of my co-workers asked what on earth that was supposed to mean (thereby implying that it was a silly thing to say), so in an attempt to defend myself, I looked it up in the Urban Dictionary. If you click the link above, you'll see a variety of definitions, ranging from
  • expression of corroboration; much cooler than "i told you so" or "yes."
  • A way to express the concept of "yes" if you are not quite articulate enough to say that mighty imposing word.
Instead of feeling validated, I started to wonder if my frequent use of this apparently controversial phrase makes me hip, or just ditzy. Perhaps, as my co-worker suggests, it makes me HIPZY. I'm OK with that.


Tat said...

I love using the phrase "I know, right?" I don't care if that DOES make me hipzy.

Hane-nahMarie said...

OH HIPZY! I KNOW, RIGHT! oh totally you!