Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Progress thus far

So I just looked over my goals from my New Year's post. Want a progress update? Here it is: No progress. Yep, it's not even February yet and I've failed. I didn't even have the stamina of the New Year's exercisers who cause Steve to avoid the gym until they fizzle out.

On the bright side, here are some things I have accomplished since that post:
  • Spent an inordinate amount of time on Facebook, mostly looking at pictures of people I never talk to anymore.
  • Watched last week's episode of The Office THREE times. My priorities are in order, yes?
  • Rented Mama Mia from Redbox and consequently did a lot of singing in my kitchen (for the record - Soundtrack: yes! Movie: not so much. As Steve said, "James Bond, how far you've fallen.").
  • Stalked my favorite blogs approximately 500 times a day, just to make sure I hadn't missed an update. (I hadn't - it's like some kind of blogging famine struck.)
  • Talked to Hannah on the phone about studying for the GRE. (Hey, talking about it is at least a step in the right direction...right?)
  • Realized it's been a VERY long time since I took a math class and that I had forgotten the meaning of the word "hypotenuse." (Do YOU remember? I took a random poll at work and most people didn't.)
  • Wikied "hypotenuse." (That's sort of studying...right?)
But failure is the first step to success, right? And who wants to be trendy and jump right on all their goals in January anyway? February is the month for me, I can feel it. Look out standardized testing, here I come!


Emilia said...

Hey...procrastination is a good skill to have! It means that you can take time for yourself unlike those obnoxious motivated people. Ok, that's a little overboard but I'm all for a little procrastination every once in a while.
By the way, I'm jealous. You have eight people following you blog. People actually read what you say! Jealous. ;)
And now I'm really rambling but the word verification is rearshe. I read rehearse. Kind of sad.

Brittany Feala said...

kate, you have done a lot better than me on resolutions. Heck, i didnt even bother to make any this year because i knew i would fail! So really, you are doing great just to make some! ALSO, watching the office over and over should be exempt from your resolutions. It would be wrong to only enjoy it once a week! :)

Unknown said...

I think watching the Office is one of the best things you can do with your time. We've seen them all, yet still watch 3 or 4 episodes every week!

Tat said...

Okay, I kind of get your point, but The Office is really, really funny. Also, even though you had forgotten what a hypotenuse is, at least you can probably find Iraq on a map. Which half of Americans under 25 can't do.

Holly said...

thanks for the comment! i'm glad you relate.

i think i adore your style and that i'll be stalking your blog now, if that's ok.